Path to humanity

Path to humanity
We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings. (Albert Einstein)

Monday, November 17, 2014

The edge and beyond

"To intensify the love, one of the most beautiful creation of God, one must reach the edge of compassion without following the rule-book of love. Rules bind you, they stop you to reach the real destination of life.
And to glorify love one have to cross that edge which is filled with abundant memories, few good some bad. Bad memories are the reasons of following the sacred book of love rules. While compassion gives you good memories but the path of this edge and beyond is immense in nature.
Here and there, everywhere you can find the only reason of life; love and if you are true to yourself you can attain peace in its origin, the compassion."

She thought that he is dead but she could not understand what he had achieved whence he left this world full of hatred.
In life she only gave him what he never deserved. After life he got everything beyond the edge.

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© Snehil Srivastava

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